Buy engine oil viscosity chart + best quality

Viscosity in engine oil has different numbers for each temperature. We provide you with a chart that can help you choose the best engine oil for your car. Because as you know, the most important part of the car is the engine, and it is essential to use the most suitable oil for your vehicle. Here we want to get you to notice that never mix different kinds of engine oil, this way you only damage your car and it makes you replace your engine with a new one. So be careful about what you decide to use for helping and improving your car. With this chart, you can decide based on your car model, which kind of oil you need, and depending on how much money you want to spend, you can choose grades A, B, or C. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date of the product because it might cause the product to deteriorate and as a result, it causes you to have used the wrong oil. About this expiration date, you have to buy your good, from a valid shop with a valid brand cause they might change the expiration date and it already has gone bad. So we shouldn’t only rely on the expiration date that is written on the oil container. Density of Engine Oil at Different Temperatures

Density of Engine Oil at Different Temperatures

As you know, not only do we have different kinds of oil for different engine models, but also we have different products with various densities for different temperatures.  When we want to talk about the best product for our car, actually we have to consider the best product for our area weather. Cold or warm or normal, needs its own products. In this article, we try to explain these different needs for you and guide you to choose the best product for your vehicle.  So your product selection depends on max and min weather temperature. Otherwise, it might lose its consistency. The viscosity of the oil is important because it determines its ability to flow and form an oil film thick for separate lubricated engine parts. It depends on the temperatures, the oil type could be different (please pay attention to the below picture). The function of the oil can change with the weather, so we have to choose a suitable type for suitable weather. Density for warm areas should be higher than in cold areas otherwise decreasing in lubricant film thickness due to lower viscosity happens. If our viscosity is lower than what it should be, the oil film thickness may be insufficient, which can prevent our engine oil to do its effect which is: accelerated wear and overheating. Multigrade and Pure Oil

Multigrade and Pure Oil

Using multigrade engine oil and comparing it to a single grade, has some advantages such as:

  1. It helps the engine to start easier
  2. Reduce usage of petrol
  3. You don’t need to spend money for changing your oil, every often, and you can change your oil once a year
  4. Reduction of oil burning in vehicle
  5. Using multi-grade oils can cause fuel savings of 1.5% to 3% compared to mono grade oils

API / ACEA ratings refer only to the quality of one kind of oil. For multi-grade oil, we have to use SAE grade to describe them. SAE is short for the Society of Automotive Engineers. These ratings describe the performance of the oil and its standard viscosity. Viscosity means the material and adhesive properties of lubricants. When the oil is cold, it can act like syrup, so it is important to keep each lubricant as fluid as possible. Its cold performance is indicated by the letter W, meaning winter. The feature of good and efficient engine oil is viscosity. Pure engine oil separates impurities from the vehicle engine perfectly. The proper concentration and purity of engine oil is a matter of special importance. In addition, the engine oil must thoroughly clean the car engine of impurities. In this case, the car engine shows that its function is fine and our choice is perfect for our engine. How to Detect Fake Engine Oil

How to Detect Fake Engine Oil

Have you ever wondered if this engine oil that you decide to buy is fake or original? Can you, yourself detect which oil is fake? Do you think only by its cover you can realize that is fake or original? As we mentioned before you have to buy your product from stores that you trust, not only because of the expiration date but also for an original product. Sometimes good engine oil costs a lot, maybe you tempt to buy a cheap one with the same description, but don’t do that to your engine, because in the end, it is going to end up multiple times more costly if you damage your engine. How to Detect Fake Engine Oil How to distinguish a fake oil from the original one: The statistic shows that about 40% of car lubricants in the domestic market are fake products.

  • Oil cans should not have deep dents or abrasions that indicate reuse. The lid of the container must be screwed very tightly to the neck of the filler. The sealing ring must have a sign that secures the cork firmly.
  • The label on the container in which the engine oil is packaged contains information about the grease production date, bottle time, and batch number. It should be remembered that the same data must necessarily be stamped on the can itself.
  • As we mentioned before about price, many people are wondering how they can recognize the original engine oil from the fake one by prices. The answer is obviously a good quality brand lubricant cannot be sold at a very low price.
  • You have to buy engine oils from stores that you trust, branches of famous brands, or at least stores that they have valid certifications to sell engine oil. Stores that have passed the mandatory certification and provide all the necessary documentation for you, the risk of obtaining a fake purchase is significantly reduced by that. And if your product is fake the licensed seller has to issue a refund.

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